Why is marking storm drains important?
- Marking storm drains helps educate citizens about the possible pollutants that could be going into creeks and rivers.
- It is visual way to alert citizens of the presence of a storm drain and the importance of keeping the drain from becoming obstructed with leaves, trash and other materials.

Applying Storm Drain Medallions is Simple
- The following materials will be provided:
- Map of your neighborhood storm drains (Click here to view the map).
- Medallions and adhesive.
- Detailed instruction sheet.
- Storm drains in the street or parking lot do not need to be marked as these usually do not cause problems.
- Locate an unmarked drain. Refer to provided map. Check off the drain that is marked as you go along.
- Locate the flattest surface around the storm drain. This could be next to the drain, on the curb, on a sidewalk directly behind the curb or on the metal top on the sidewalk (medallion placement examples are on the right).
- Make sure the surface is clean and dry before applying the medallion. Use a wire brush, small broom, or a rag to remove lose debris.
- Squeeze adhesive on the back of the medallion in the patterns shown below.
- Press the medallion down hard onto the surface, it is okay if adhesive squeezes out around the sides.
- Clean any residue from your hands immediately.

Tracking Marked Storm Drains
- Our goal for 2022 is to mark 2200 storm drains, any help you can provide will help us reach that!
- A measurement of success for Clean Drains Fort Wayne is tracking the number and location of drains marked with a medallion. This can be accomplished by either sub- mitting a screenshot of the storm drains marked or by checking off the storm drains marked on the map provided with the other materials and uploading to forfw.org.