Be a Drain Stormer Family
Clean Drains Fort Wayne: Be River SmART is a collaborative initiative between Friends of the Rivers and Fort Wayne City Utilities that uses art to convey the message … only rain in the drain.
With its three rivers – St. Joe, St. Marys and Maumee – it is important that all of Fort Wayne’s residents become protectors of this vital and precious natural resources. We use our rivers for both recreation and the source for our drinking water.
If the city’s system of storm drains isn’t protected then trash, grass clippings, dog poop and chemicals that go down the storm drains will be untreated and end up in our rivers.
As a Drain Stormer Family, you pledge to protect the storm drains near and/or in front of your house. You will work to keep them clean of trash and debris.
For family fun, you can check out the drains by visiting the Public Art Trail page at VisitFortWayne.com for a full listing of locations. Plus, if you want to have fun on the rivers sign up for the Outdoor Pass which is a guide available via your mobile phone to explore outdoor activities like biking, hiking and paddling down the rivers.
Locate, Clean and Decorate Your Storm Drains
Sign-up to be a Drain Stormer Family by clicking the box to the right.
Locate and identify the storm drains in front and around your home.
Clean the storm drains to ensure only rain goes down the drain.
Email Jennifer Lash, of City Utilities to let know about the storm drains you have adopted; and a member of its team will come out and affix official Only Rain in the Drain medallions
on your storm drains. Email:Jennifer.Lash@mailto:jennifer.lash@cityoffortwayne.orgcityoffortwayne.org
Continue to monitor your neighborhood’s storm drains and keep them clean of trash and debris.

Team Work
Here are images of Walter and Alice Majewski working to keep our storm drains clean!! They especially like going out in the neighborhood and cleaning the debris from the drains after it rains.

Drain Stormer Joe
Here is Super Drain Stormer Joe who just completed cleaning 50 storm drains and marking each one with an Only Rain In The Drain CLEAN DRAINS: BE RIVER SmART medallions all around Parkview Randallia!
Decorate your Storm Drains

Now that the dirty work is done, Clean Drains Fort Wayne wants you and your family to get in on the fun.
Clean Drains creates artful message-oriented storm drain murals to generate awareness that we must all work together to ensure only rain in the drain.
While local/regional artists are in your area painting the storm drains, we want your Drain Stormer Family to get out and decorate your medallion-marked storm drains to bring attention to the fact that what goes down the drain ends up in our rivers.
The best way to decorate your storm drains is to create chalk-designed storm drain murals.
DIY RECIPE: Make your own Sidewalk Chalk

Make your own sidewalk chalk. It is easier than drawing with chalk and you can use a brush for easier painting!