Elementary School Student Tours
Social Studies: Fort Wayne and Indiana History – Grades 3, 4, 5
A 45 minute, on-river adventure that meets Indiana DOE standards for Fort Wayne and Indiana History.
Fort Wayne and Indiana History Standards: 3.1.1-9; 4.1.1-5; 5.1.3-7; 3.3.2; 4.3.9+10; 5.3.4, 5, 10; 3.3.11; 4.4.3; 5.4.1
Primary Topics:
• Native inhabitants and Fort Wayne settlements/villages and lifestyle
• Settlers and trade developments in Northeast Indiana
• Wabash and Erie Canal, development and route through Fort Wayne
• Early Indiana economy and statehood
• Vocabulary and Fun Facts
View or download the Routes & Highlights, Vocabulary,Fun Fact Quiz, Fun Fact Quiz Answers and Educational Resources.
View or download the zip folder for images.
Adaptive Elementary Education Experience – Social Studies
(Funded by AWS Foundation)
These field trips are low stimulation in a calming environment covering a variety of social studies topics.
• To better prepare students for this visit, go to RideSweetBreeze.org, and view introductory videos that prepare new riders for a Sweet Breeze experience. (Click on “About” tab, and view “New Rider Experience”).
• Sweet Breeze is accessible to all including on board restroom facilities and walkways/ramps.
• AWS Foundation funds adaptive field trips at no cost to students.
Ecology Tour – Grades 4, 5 (three lessons)
A 45 minute, on-river adventure meets Indiana DOE standards focusing on STEM and science.
STEM and Science Standards: 4.LS.3; 5.LS.1; 5.LS.2; 4.ESS.3; 4.ESS.4, 5.ESS.3; 4.ESS.4; 5.ESS.3; 4.LS.2; 5.LS.2
Primary Topics:
• Plankton Observation—Primary productivity and Plankton (Geological and biological change, human impact on natural environment/ecosystem
• Watershed Observation—Geological change, human impact on natural environment
• Environment Observation—Native and non-native Invasive species, human protections / interactions with the rivers.
• On-board river water sampling with a plankton net. Students will examine samples using a magnifying glass / digital microscope to observe plankton and phytoplankton and use technology, projecting images on screen for closer observation. On-board observations allow students to identify natural versus human-made land impacts and investigate nonpoint source pollution with interactive watershed models.
• Observation of plant and animal species living along the Fort Wayne rivers and observations of the human impact on the rivers, plants and animal species.
View or download Worksheet – Indiana Animals